Fourth memories

THere is something special about the Fourth of July….the celebration of our country, gathering with friends, and honoring those who have served and continue to serve.

This day brings back memories of how we marked this day when I was growing up. The long front porch would serve as a gathering place for friends to enjoy grilled hamburgers, boiled corn,watermelon, baked beans, homemade vanilla and peach ice cream. Baseball games in the lot beside the house were a chance for the kids to challenge the adults and led to spirited rivalry anticipated from year to year. The sounds of the ice cream freezer whirring signaled the delicious dessert to come for the thirty or so hot and hungry guests.

Years later,when I had children of my own, we marked the day with a parade around our neighborhood in Webb. Children pulled pets in red wagons while other rode three wheelers. Adults donned red,white, and blue attire and waved American flags as they walked around the neighborhood. Afterwards we gathered for lemonade and cookies before disbursing for other activities.

Fireworks blazing through the night skies help to lend a festive element to the celebration of our country’s freedom. Always, there are fireworks the mark the day. The sounds of them erupting through the air remind us of the words in the Star Spangled Banner, “the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”

The flag is still there…thanks to all who have served and continue to serve. My father and uncle are two of those who answered the call of duty in World War II. Countless others have answered that call and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

We live in the best country in the world. Visit others if you doubt it.

We enjoy freedoms that sometimes we take for granted. Today marks our country’s independence. THis country has survived wars,turmoils,difficulties and been through many changes in its young history. Today we remember celebrations marking this day and the reason for it.

Our flag still stands. It still waves “ over the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Author: hartfeltthoughtsblog

Anne Hart Preus is a native of the Mississippi Delta and enjoys sharing her thoughts and experiences with a slight touch of humor. Her book, Stories from the Hart, is a memoir of growing up in rural Tallahatchie County in the 50's and 60's.

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